Monday, December 29, 2014

Onion Wrap with Quinoa flour, Zucchini, Tomato and various spices

Onion Wrap

One of the very first foods I gave 
up when I started eating raw living 
food, was bread. I learned how the 
gluten acts like "GLUE" in the gut, 
sticking to it, fermenting, clogging, 
and wreaking havoc on my body. 
Here's a lovely way to enjoy a good 
wrap without the negative side 

Acid Reflux....GONE GONE GONE!!!! 
There were nights I used to sleep 
sitting up to avoid the killer acid 
reflux BURN. Surprisingly, I have not 
missed sandwiches all that much, but 
it's getting quite nippy here on the 
East coast, and my body craves foods 
that are a little heavier and richer, so I created this lovely onion wrap and 
it is really satisfying and filling.

When I first tasted the wrap alone, it seemed too strong and had quite a 
bite, but when I stuffed it with a mild sunflower seed pate and creamy 
avocado slices, the blend of flavors was fabulous.

The onion is fairly strong and I'd eliminate onion from the pate recipe or any recipe you will be using with this wrap...unless you really really like onion!

1 - 1 1/2 red onions, chopped
1 zucchini, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 cup water
1 1/2 Tbsp ground flax
1 Tbsp sprouted Quinoa flour 
( I always store some in freezer - replace with almond flour)
1/2 tomato
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp onion powder
dash oregano
1/8 tsp dried dill(or your favorite herb/spice)
2 Tbsp sun dried olives (optional)

  1. Blend ingredients, adding olives last, and pulse blend, leaving very 
  2. small chunks.
  3. Spread mixture onto a non-stick dehydrator tray, using an offset 
  4.  spatula. (One of my favorite kitchen tools ever!)
  5. Dehydrate at 110 degrees F for several hours. 
  6. Turn wraps over by placing another mesh dehydrator tray over wraps 
  7. and flip over entire tray, holding layers together. Peel non stick sheet 
  8. from wrap and continue to dehydrate another 3 hours or more. Wraps 
  9. should be dry, but not brittle.  
  10. Stuff wrap with your favorite Hummus, salad, or pate. Add toppings, 
  11. and enjoy! 
Onion Wrap with Quinoa flour, Zucchini, Tomato, Garlic, Oregano and Dill

And for more delicious alive organic recipes click on the link below!

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