Thursday, September 17, 2015

Who Owns Organic!? According to the Cornucopia Institute.

If you look closely at this chart below, you will see for example that Kellogs owns Kashi.

Kellogs uses GMO corn and sugar beet for all their cereal products, an does not label them as such.

Kashi on the other hand, is a strictly Organic and GMO-free company.

Would you consider this a conflict of interest!?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Defending Almonds Article in LA Times (Provided by Jim D.)

Defending almonds: Farmers are harvesting almonds in the San Joaquin Valley. The nut was the poster child for water waste in the drought until urban dwellers realized just how much water they had been wasting themselves, columnist Robin Abcarian writes. "Almonds aren't giant, water-hogging things.

They are a good crop, and good food," one nut farmer said. 

Read the entire article here: